Hi, I'm Aman Prakash

Welcome to my website!

I'm 🎓 computer engineering  undergrad, graduating in '2026'

🌋 The domain & sub-domains of AI excites me the most.


Current Research:  ML-based methods to optimize resources in low-powered wireless communication systems (LoRaWAN).
Also writing a review paper by finding research gaps in (LLM) based ```Agentic system``` 🦙

Research Interests: AI content detection(Image & Text), Multimodality, AI Safety


Also worked on creating synthetic dataset generation from GPT4o, Claude Haiku 3.5, Cohere's Command R+, Mistral Large and Nvidia's Nemotron-4 340B with AIISC research group.

Synthetic data was created for fine-tuning of LLMs through Direct Policy Optimization (DPO). 

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